Transfer to a Four Year School
LCCC can help you understand the transfer process and access the tools you need to make the right academic choices for you. 我们希望本指南能帮助您更好地了解转账流程,并熟悉您可以使用的服务. Ultimately, 你有责任收集有关转学的信息,并根据你的目标做出决定.
宾夕法尼亚大学转学和衔接中心(PATRAC)的建立是为了提供有关课程转学和大学转学过程的最新和准确的信息. The PATRAC website is updated frequently, 以及与课程可转移性有关的附加信息 participating institutions will be posted as it is made available. Visit the PATRAC website to learn more.
Contact Us
Questions about the transfer process? Contact your academic advisor or email